After being rescued together, two sister cats cling to one another and won’t go apart.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a rescue organization entrusted with assisting and rescuing homeless felines in Montreal, Canada, received a call regarding a couple of little felines in need of assistance. The kittens seemed to be approximately seven weeks old, in poor health, terrified, and unable to separate from one another.

They were covered with fleas, and it appeared that they had not yet been weaned, so they clung to one other for comfort. Two of the rescue center’s volunteers were the ones who hurried their search and brought them to the shelter.

Celine Crom, a Chatons Orphelins Montréal member, told Love Meow:«There were three kittens at first, but one of them unfortunately died. The family that had the litter was unable to care for the surviving two sisters.

Sister kittens never leave each other.

Zelda and Sapphira, the kittens, kept together with each step they took, touching each other and being aware of each movement so as not to become separated; even their temperaments looked to be quite similar.

The girls were treated for an eye infection and intestinal problems before being placed in a foster home. Little Zelda and Safira were greeted by Marie-Lyne and Pat, two foster volunteers from the shelter, who allowed them to explore the space without being separated.

They learnt to eat solid food at the foster home and grew into spoiled kittens. They now liked games and tried to gain the attention of their humans with any mischief they would think of, but they’ve always been together at every step.

The girls like sitting at the window and appear to enjoy looking at things go by.

Celine says:

«They’re naughty, daring, and inquisitive about everything. Closed doors irritate them, and they will climb on whatever they can get their paws on. Zelda is a little more self-sufficient than Sapphira, and Sapphira enjoys conversing with her adoptive family.

These sisters never separate and are always running about. They usually snuggle together when they’re weary from their games, and Sapphira comforts her sister, who she is always watching after.

It’s been a few months since the kittens were saved by the shelter; they’ve grown a lot, and they’re quite active and joyful. Sapphira is continually imitating her sister Zelda, who is overprotective of her sister and watches her every action.

When the four months are over, these sweet sisters will be ready to find a permanent home where they may get the love they deserve.

Celine continued:

«They have a soft spot for people and other animals. They are reserved and eager to meet their ideal partner.

You may learn more about the refuge’s work with cats andaoption programs by following them on Facebook.

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